Wednesday, March 18, 2009

4200 Acre Easement Vote in Frederisksburg, April 15th, 2009.

A couple of years ago the city of Fredericksburg placed over 4200 acres of land that skirts both sides of the Rappahannockand the Rappidan rivers and other tributaries into a conservation easement. The land goes upstream from town about 30 miles. It is not a continuous stretch of land but it's close.

The land is currently governed only by local and state laws. The easement agreement calls for the creation of a Watershed Property Management Plan that will fill in the gaps that aren't addressed by the current laws (who can build a trail, what the trail can be used for, where access points will be allowed, etc). The committee that is drafting the Management plan is accepting public comment on the plan until April 15th.

What's needed is to have Mountain bikers to please take a few minutes to submit a comment regarding your desire to have mountain biking listed as an allowable use on the land. Be aware that your comments are public and that it's important to convey an image of respect for nature and cooperation with all other users.

For the full posting, information download, contacting Steve Craig (Pres. FATMUG), and to talk about this subject, Please follow this link: 4200+ acre easement Thread.

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