Saturday, May 5, 2012

CCVA Host Issue Continue

Good Morning Everyone, We are very sorry and deeply concerned at by the lack of response time to by our host, For close to a week now, there has been a server issue that has kept us from gaining access to or our server files. We have been emailing and leaving tickets to get them to respond or take appropriate actions to avoid and correct this issue just prior to the whole site going down. We are taking steps to keep this from happening in the future by moving to a new host ASAP, but are willing to give a short time frame for the old site to come up to avoid loosing data. While we do have regular backups off host, our day-to-day operations have hosting backups and this will minimize a gap in postings. Again, our apologies for this hosting issue and we are working to remedy this issue as quickly as possible. CCVA Admin.

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